Spun by Thought
All writing is woven from threads spun by thought. Imagine that from the beginning, prehistoric writers were seeking to translate inner rhythms and recurring visions into abstract patterns and concrete testaments of imagination. These ancient roots of self-awareness can be traced in the earth, where the first signs and symbols were scratched and rubbed into stone, wood, bone and onto rough inner walls.
Dematerialzed Objects
Dematerialized Objects The more abstract is form, the more clear and direct is its appeal. – Wassily Kandinsky
Intermedia Festival, 2010
Intermedia Festival of Telematic and Media Arts April 2010, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis This exhibition included the video Four Similitudes, a meditation on the
Inside the Moment: An International Short Film Festival
Curators Tracy Lisk & Anabelle Rodriguez reached out to experimental filmmakers from various parts of the globe to deliver a festival of short films on the subject of TIME.
The video Four Similitudes was included in the Synesthesia.2 group exhibition at SINErgy Project Space + Gallery in 2010.
The first gallery exhibition that included my videos. The inaugural show at San Francisco’s Blasthaus.
All writing is woven from threads of thought spun by its authors. We can imagine that from the beginning approximately or earlier, prehistoric writers were seeking to translate inner rhythms and recurring visions into abstract patterns and concrete testaments of life and imagination.
Two Distinct Values
An image of reality and a value acquired when combined with other shots.